Sami | Wild & Wonderful West Virginia

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

As I sat here for hours thinking of the perfect thing to write, I finally realized I do not need to pour out my feelings for you to know how I feel. For as long as I can remember Sami has been my partner-in-crime, my sister and my best friend. There are so many words I can say, but the ones that really need to be said are, I love you and I always will. Keep being the beautiful, kindhearted, opinionated person you are and I know you will succeed in any-and everything you do. Growing up is hard, but growing up and still staying friends for fifteen years is harder and I thank you for making the effort. Thank you for always believing in me when I didn't, thank you for being my shadow when I was alone, thank you for giving me your shoulder when I needed to cry, thank you for being my pillow when I needed a hug, thank you for being my smile when I was happy, but most of all thank you for being you when I just needed a best friend. 


Hope you loved these as much as I did!

1 comment :

  1. Amanda - these are beautiful! You did a fabulous job!
