Sami | Wild & Wonderful West Virginia

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

As I sat here for hours thinking of the perfect thing to write, I finally realized I do not need to pour out my feelings for you to know how I feel. For as long as I can remember Sami has been my partner-in-crime, my sister and my best friend. There are so many words I can say, but the ones that really need to be said are, I love you and I always will. Keep being the beautiful, kindhearted, opinionated person you are and I know you will succeed in any-and everything you do. Growing up is hard, but growing up and still staying friends for fifteen years is harder and I thank you for making the effort. Thank you for always believing in me when I didn't, thank you for being my shadow when I was alone, thank you for giving me your shoulder when I needed to cry, thank you for being my pillow when I needed a hug, thank you for being my smile when I was happy, but most of all thank you for being you when I just needed a best friend. 


Hope you loved these as much as I did!

Rachel | Freeman Lake

Sunday, August 3, 2014

When I first met Rachel I immediately gravitated towards her bubbly personality and contagious smile, she is the perfect friend, listener, and supporter! She does not fall short of being one of the sweetest, lovable, most genuine people that I have ever met! Our friendship is very special to me and I am beyond blessed that God put her in my life. Thanks for being my real life Barbie doll and an even better friend! I love you and hope you love these as much as I do:)

.... Rachel was also my model for my very first boudoir shoot that will be up sometime (hopefully) soon!